Stats2 at Stats1
@ St. Louis, Mo. (Rob Gym)
5/28/2015 at 3:30 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Stats2 (3-2, 2-1 MPSF) 21 18 22 0
Stats1 (5-2, 1-2 MPSF) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
FRATTO2 -- 1st -- FRATTO
  FRATTO starters: Weston Nielsen; Jacob Delson; Jake Staahl; Kevin Donohue; Ryan Hardy; Jonah Seif.  
  FRATTO2 starters: Phil Fuchs; Tyler Heap; Jake Langlois; Tim Dobbert; Joe Grosh; Michael Hatch.  
[Phil Fuchs] Kill by Jake Staahl (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 0-1
[Jake Staahl] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Weston Nielsen). Point FRATTO 0-2
1-2 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
2-2 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Jacob Delson (block by Tim Dobbert; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Service error. Point FRATTO 2-3
3-3 [Jonah Seif] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tim Dobbert). Point FRATTO2
[Tim Dobbert] Service error. Point FRATTO 3-4
4-4 [Jacob Delson] Kill by Tyler Heap (from Jake Langlois). Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 4-5
5-5 [Ryan Hardy] Attack error by Weston Nielsen. Point FRATTO2
[Joe Grosh] Attack error by Phil Fuchs. Point FRATTO 5-6
[Kevin Donohue] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 5-7
6-7 [Kevin Donohue] Kill by Tim Dobbert (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
[Tyler Heap] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 6-8
7-8 [Weston Nielsen] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Phil Fuchs] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 7-9
8-9 [Jake Staahl] Attack error by Jacob Delson (block by Tim Dobbert; Michael Hatch). Point FRATTO2
9-9 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Ryan Hardy (block by Tim Dobbert; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
10-9 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Kevin Donohue (block by Jake Langlois; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 10-10
11-10 [Jonah Seif] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Tim Dobbert] Service error. Point FRATTO 11-11
[Jacob Delson] Kill by Weston Nielsen. Point FRATTO 11-12
12-12 [Jacob Delson] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Service error. Point FRATTO 12-13
13-13 [Ryan Hardy] Service error. Point FRATTO2
  FRATTO2 subs: Matt Underwood.  
14-13 [Matt Underwood] Service ace (Weston Nielsen). Point FRATTO2
[Matt Underwood] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 14-14
15-14 [Kevin Donohue] Kill by Phil Fuchs (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
[Tyler Heap] Service error. Point FRATTO 15-15
[Weston Nielsen] Attack error by Phil Fuchs. Point FRATTO 15-16
[Weston Nielsen] Attack error by Phil Fuchs. Point FRATTO 15-17
  FRATTO2 subs: Brenden Sander.  
16-17 [Weston Nielsen] Kill by Tim Dobbert (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
[Brenden Sander] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 16-18
17-18 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Michael Hatch (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
18-18 [Michael Hatch] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
19-18 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Jacob Delson (block by Tim Dobbert; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Attack error by Tim Dobbert (block by Jacob Delson; Ryan Hardy). Point FRATTO 19-19
[Jonah Seif] Service ace (Brenden Sander). Point FRATTO 19-20
  Timeout Fratto2.  
20-20 [Jonah Seif] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Tim Dobbert] Kill by Ryan Hardy (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 20-21
21-21 [Jacob Delson] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 21-22
  FRATTO subs: Parker Boehle.  
[Parker Boehle] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 21-23
[Parker Boehle] Attack error by Joe Grosh (block by Weston Nielsen; Jake Staahl). Point FRATTO 21-24
  Timeout Fratto2.  
[Parker Boehle] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 21-25
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FRATTO2 -- 2nd -- FRATTO
  On court for FRATTO: Weston Nielsen; Jacob Delson; Jake Staahl; Kevin Donohue; Ryan Hardy; Jonah Seif.  
  On court for FRATTO2: Tyler Heap; Jake Langlois; Brenden Sander; Tim Dobbert; Joe Grosh; Michael Hatch.  
[Weston Nielsen] Kill by Jacob Delson. Point FRATTO 0-1
[Weston Nielsen] Service ace (Jaylen Reyes). Point FRATTO 0-2
1-2 [Weston Nielsen] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Brenden Sander] Service error. Point FRATTO 1-3
2-3 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Tim Dobbert (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
3-3 [Michael Hatch] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
4-3 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Kevin Donohue (block by Jake Langlois; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 4-4
[Jonah Seif] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 4-5
5-5 [Jonah Seif] Service error. Point FRATTO2
6-5 [Tim Dobbert] Attack error by Weston Nielsen. Point FRATTO2
7-5 [Tim Dobbert] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
[Jacob Delson] Attack error by Jake Langlois. Point FRATTO 7-6
8-6 [Jacob Delson] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Service error. Point FRATTO 8-7
[Ryan Hardy] Service ace (Jaylen Reyes). Point FRATTO 8-8
9-8 [Ryan Hardy] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Tyler Heap). Point FRATTO2
[Joe Grosh] Service error. Point FRATTO 9-9
[Kevin Donohue] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 9-10
  FRATTO2 subs: Robbie Sutton.  
10-10 [Kevin Donohue] Kill by Brenden Sander (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
11-10 [Robbie Sutton] Attack error by Weston Nielsen (block by Tim Dobbert; Michael Hatch). Point FRATTO2
[Robbie Sutton] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 11-11
[Weston Nielsen] Attack error by Brenden Sander. Point FRATTO 11-12
  Timeout Fratto2.  
12-12 [Weston Nielsen] Kill by Tim Dobbert (from Jaylen Reyes). Point FRATTO2
[Brenden Sander] Kill by Jonah Seif (from Hayden Boehle). Point FRATTO 12-13
[Jake Staahl] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 12-14
[Jake Staahl] Attack error by Tim Dobbert (block by Jacob Delson; Ryan Hardy). Point FRATTO 12-15
  FRATTO2 subs: Kiril Meretev.  
[Jake Staahl] Attack error by Brenden Sander. Point FRATTO 12-16
[Jake Staahl] Attack error by Brenden Sander (block by Ryan Hardy). Point FRATTO 12-17
  Timeout Fratto2.  
13-17 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Michael Hatch (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
14-17 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Jacob Delson (block by Matt Underwood; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Service error. Point FRATTO 14-18
  FRATTO2 subs: Matt Underwood.  
15-18 [Jonah Seif] Kill by Brenden Sander (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Matt Underwood] Kill by Jacob Delson. Point FRATTO 15-19
[Jacob Delson] Service ace (Jaylen Reyes). Point FRATTO 15-20
16-20 [Jacob Delson] Service error. Point FRATTO2
  FRATTO2 subs: Erik Sikes.  
[Kiril Meretev] Attack error by Brenden Sander. Point FRATTO 16-21
[Kiril Meretev] Attack error by Brenden Sander. Point FRATTO 16-22
  FRATTO subs: Parker Boehle.  
17-22 [Parker Boehle] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Erik Sikes). Point FRATTO2
[Joe Grosh] Service error. Point FRATTO 17-23
18-23 [Kevin Donohue] Kill by Michael Hatch (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Robbie Sutton] Kill by Jake Staahl (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 18-24
[Weston Nielsen] Bad set by Robbie Sutton. Point FRATTO 18-25
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FRATTO2 -- 3rd -- FRATTO
[Kiril Meretev] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 0-1
1-1 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Michael Hatch (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Kill by Ryan Hardy (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 1-2
[Jonah Seif] Kill by Ryan Hardy (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 1-3
2-3 [Jonah Seif] Ball handling error by Hayden Boehle. Point FRATTO2
3-3 [Matt Underwood] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
4-3 [Matt Underwood] Kill by Matt Underwood (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Matt Underwood] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 4-4
[Jacob Delson] Service ace (Jaylen Reyes). Point FRATTO 4-5
[Jacob Delson] Attack error by Joe Grosh. Point FRATTO 4-6
5-6 [Jacob Delson] Service error. Point FRATTO2
6-6 [Jake Langlois] Attack error by Kevin Donohue (block by Kiril Meretev; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 6-7
7-7 [Ryan Hardy] Service error. Point FRATTO2
8-7 [Joe Grosh] Service ace (Jacob Delson). Point FRATTO2
[Joe Grosh] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 8-8
[Kevin Donohue] Service ace (Jake Langlois). Point FRATTO 8-9
9-9 [Kevin Donohue] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Robbie Sutton] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 9-10
10-10 [Weston Nielsen] Service error. Point FRATTO2
11-10 [Kiril Meretev] Attack error by Jake Staahl (block by Jake Langlois; Michael Hatch). Point FRATTO2
[Kiril Meretev] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 11-11
12-11 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Matt Underwood (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Service error. Point FRATTO 12-12
13-12 [Jonah Seif] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Matt Underwood] Kill by Ryan Hardy (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 13-13
[Jacob Delson] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 13-14
14-14 [Jacob Delson] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Service error. Point FRATTO 14-15
15-15 [Ryan Hardy] Attack error by Weston Nielsen. Point FRATTO2
[Joe Grosh] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 15-16
16-16 [Kevin Donohue] Kill by Jake Langlois (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Robbie Sutton] Kill by Jake Staahl (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 16-17
17-17 [Weston Nielsen] Kill by Kiril Meretev (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Kiril Meretev] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 17-18
18-18 [Jake Staahl] Kill by Michael Hatch (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
19-18 [Michael Hatch] Attack error by Kevin Donohue (block by Jake Langlois; Joe Grosh). Point FRATTO2
[Michael Hatch] Kill by Ryan Hardy (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 19-19
20-19 [Jonah Seif] Kill by Matt Underwood (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Matt Underwood] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 20-20
21-20 [Jacob Delson] Kill by Matt Underwood (from Robbie Sutton). Point FRATTO2
[Jake Langlois] Kill by Ryan Hardy (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 21-21
  FRATTO subs: Parker Boehle.  
[Parker Boehle] Kill by Weston Nielsen (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 21-22
  Timeout Fratto2.  
22-22 [Parker Boehle] Service error. Point FRATTO2
[Joe Grosh] Kill by Kevin Donohue (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 22-23
[Kevin Donohue] Kill by Jacob Delson (from Jonah Seif). Point FRATTO 22-24
  Timeout Fratto2.  
[Kevin Donohue] Attack error by Matt Underwood. Point FRATTO 22-25
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